Alzheimer's disease What is it?
Alzheimer's is a progressive, degenerative disease that destroys brain cells, causing death. The disease is the most common cause of dementia which is the deterioration of a person's mental faculties. The causes of Alzheimer's are still not known.
The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease causes the loss of intellectual ability use of memory, thinking, reasoning, judgment, orientation, and concentration, and it can cause drastic changes in personality, mood and behavior. In its early stages, it has symptoms similar to those of depression such as withdrawal, apathy, loss of concentration and interest, memory failure, anxiety, agitation, and delusions. Alzheimer's is a disease and not a normal part of aging.
The diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's is difficult to diagnose and is often misdiagnosed. It is made primarily from the symptoms reported by the affected person, by the family members and by a series of tests that evaluate a person's mental function. No brain scan or blood test can make the diagnosis, although the CT scan or MRI may show degeneration of brain tissue that is characteristic of the disease. An important step in diagnosing Alzheimer's is to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms which include depression, adverse effects from some medications, excessive consumption of alcohol, thyroid disorders, liver failure, kidney failure, a vitamin deficiency, bleeding inside the skull, and infections that can effect the brain.
There is NO treatment for Alzheimer's disease!
There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease. Treatment primarily involves caring for him or her and dealing with the worsening symptoms. Most people in the early stages live at home and are cared for by the family members.
What should the family of an Alzheimer's person consider?
Get a diagnosis early
Take care of legal and financial planning
Learn about the disease
Learn how to protect your loved one
Look for adult day-care programs, in home assistance, visiting nurses, and delivery of meals
Don't neglect your own needs
Talk to a support group to try to overcome the difficulty of grieving for a person who is still alive
Care at home.
In the living quarters hand bars (especially at the tub and toilet), ramps and other aids should also be installed. Occupational and physical therapy should emphasize using the effected limbs and to help improve walking, mobility, eating, dressing, toilet functions, avoiding bed ulcers and improving other basic needs.
Bear in mind Alzheimers is a one way ticket to misery for all concerned.