Senior Citizens Health - Why Watch Birds?
Because its Healthy. Bird watching has proved a pastime for senior citizens all over the world. Historically, they were considered to be omens and it was usually the most senior of senior citizens who was called upon to pronounce wether the omen was good or bad. Our ancesters believed that the flights and calls of birds could foretell the future.
Today, senior citizens are still used for this purpose but now modern thought takes changes in bird populations as a reflection of the health of the environment.
Birdwatching fulfills another basic instinct.The quest for knowledge. Birdwatching is about scholarship. Not just about birds' names, but about their songs, their behavior, and how they relate to the diaspora.
Amateur birdwatchers make real contributions to scientific knowledge. Much of what ornithology knows about birds has come from the observations of ordinary but dedicated birdewatchers. Some birds can be indicator species, like the USA's national bird, the bald eagle. They forecast environmental conditions.
Birds can be fascinating creatures. If you’ve never watched them before, just try for a few moments in the early morning light. Look at how they soar through the air. Listen to their morning songs. You can find great peace and great enlightenment in birds. How would you be able to truly enjoy these creatures unless you watched them? It’s time to get started in bird watching! Senior Citizens unite. Get healthy. Go birdwatching.
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Friday, November 09, 2007
Senior Citizens Health - Why Watch Birds
Posted by
Philip Jubb
11:01 AM
Labels: Birdwatching, Senior Citizens, Senior Citizens Health, Why Watch Birds
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Senior Citizens Health - Choose to be Healthy the Natural Way
Senior Citizens Health - Choose to be Healthy the Natural Way
As a Senior Citizen your body looks after you, well most of the time.. It behoves us well to as Senior Citizens to return the favour and look after our body.
Natural is about being pro-active. You need to be dedicated to making and keeping your body healthy.
Natural medicine does not cause drowsiness and works with the body to help you.
Natural medicine, made from natural ingredients, because of its anti-bacterial effects, is used by many senior citizens in place of traditional medicine to assist in the cure their ailments.
Natural is not about being a health freak, but more about being a health-conscious person, making the natural health lifestyle work for and with you. It seems unlikely that you as a Senior Citizen will have been living a junk food and quick meal life, but, if you have, you will need to consider incorporating a series vitamins into your regime.
Natural means incorporating more natural solutions in your life. The best way to prevent, treat, and in many cases cure illness is to give your body the right tools and let it go to work reduce the amount of processed food you eat keep the salt and alcohol down and take more exercise and get more sleep..
Recent studies seem to have confirmed that an increased intake of water and the proper immune enhancing nutrients offer the best defence against most infections. Water please note! Not alcoholic drinks. In fact one of the most common causes of headaches is lack of proper hydration.
Even back pain can be caused by a lack of fluids. Spinal discs which are filled with fluid act as shock absorbers in our spinal column and when they are not hydrated they deflate and provide less absorbsion placing the load on the shell of the disk instead of using fluid . Another effects of the fluid level in disks can be lack of movement, moving your head around and moving your upper body around while sitting at a desk can help alleviate this and allow the discs to become rehydrated.
High blood pressure or hypertension an be caused by a lower blood volume from dehydration. Its a bit obvious but since our blood is over 80% water it can be, from a volume point of view, very susceptible to changes in hydration.
As a senior citizen you will be able to enjoy the pleasures of life with a body that functions at its optimum for a good few years yet, once you start living a natural life, you start feeling better; and that is crucial in dealing with the everyday stresses and strains of the senior citizen growing ever older.
To really get in to the healthy way of living go to
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
Garden Insects: Not part of your landscaping?
Garden Insects: Not part of your landscaping?
Do small animals dig up your lawn? It is entirely likely that if you have a lawn, you risk the chance of having pests, such as the gopher or a mole or a squirrel or rabbits. Even wasps bees ants and other insects can invade and set up home. The reason these these creatures and insects are attracted to your lawn is the seed of their downfall?
Most private home lawns are not big enough to attract enough pests so that major trouble will be caused, nevertheless, they can be a nuisance and damage areas of grass. Insects are too small to be easily spotted, but, their presence can be deduced by dead, brown patches of grass. Moles gophers rabbits and squirrels are a bit more obvious- mole hills on the top of your lawn, and, beneath the lawn, tunnels and caverns. If you can identify your pests, you can then have a go at dealing with the problem.
The first option, always, is to call an expert. Try your Yellow Pages local directory or a referral from someone you know that had a similar problem.
However most people today want to do it themselves. And, if you are a DIY'er, the first thing you need to do is size up your situation, and what you are up against. Let’s look at insects first.
There are many many thousands of species of garden insects, far too many to list here. Borrow a book on insects from your local library, or have a look at several entomology websites or even keep an eye on our blog to learn more about what their role is in the destruction of your garden. But please be careful, you don’t want to kill off any allies!
When dealing with insects, the number one rule is not all garden insects are bad guys. We've probably killed them at some point in our lives if they have annoyed stung or bitten us, but, most garden insects can actually act as assasins against othergarden insects. Its a dog eat dog world out there in the garden. You can subdivide the problem into two types of insects. Above and below ground.
Above ground, insects usually feed on your grass, and can be seen fairly easy. Some examples of these can be chinch bugs, green bugs and armyworms. The below ground teams are just that, they feed on your lawn through the root system, which means they can be the most destructive. They are also difficult to identify since they are er below ground and not easily seen.
There are five groups of weapons against garden insects: chemical insecticides, biological insecticides, botanical insecticides, insecticide soaps and predatory insects (The Assassins are our friends. In fact in this case any enemy of our enemy is our friend!). Keep an eye out for specific types for specific insects. Be prepared to be disappointed and have to make repeated attempts.
In the garden its the war we want to win not individual battles.
Moles and gopher are two of the most common animal pests. Both animals build tunnels under your lawns, but that does not mean they are the same. These two have many things that set them apart from one another. Moles are smaller than gophers, and have pointed snouts and large front claws. They do not feed on your lawn, but the insects that dwell within. Sounds like they are good guys? Perhaps, but the moles’ tunnels leave mounds of dirt on the ground above, and their shallow tunnels cause uneven ground. Gophers, the largest of the two, have buckteeth and small ears. These creatures love to eat your grass and plant roots. Gophers also leave mounds of dirt, but they do far more damage underground, causing sinkholes. Getting rids of gophers and moles leads to one solution kill them. There are less drastic methods, such as trapping or driving them away. Each to his or her own. If you have young children or grandchildren you may have to put up with the little charmers for a few years.
Philip Jubb
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Sunday, September 09, 2007
Bourbon The Making
Bourbon In The Making
It is a truism that the Scots have the market sewn up as far as the best product on the planet; however there are a few studs in other stables worth a mention. Bourbon has long been associated with Kentucky and for good reason as it is the state where this craft was first developed Elijah Craig a Baptist minister in the late 18th century in Georgetown Kentucky unveiled to farmers and townsfolk alike the first Bourbon whiskey where the trend just took off. It is said that even the father of the great Abraham Lincoln got into the action.
European settlers brought this trade secret with them to North America and in turn shared it with their new neighbors. Giving way to a boom in production. 1791 was the time of the whiskey rebellion in Pennsylvania where the government elected to impose tax on whiskey and whiskey sales.
This did not sit well with distillers so they made their way to the Kentucky Mountains to avoid the collectors of said tax. Eighty percent of all Bourbon today is distilled in the state of Kentucky. A royal family of French decent carried the name that now brandishes the bottles of this Kentucky gold. The name was introduced in 1758.
The attempt of American independence from British rule saw the French giving support so as the independence grew new land developments in America were named in French as tribute. In the year 1785, Kentucky was known as the Kentucky district of Virginia and not a separate state.
Through some of the river ports in Kentucky the whiskies were shipped down the Ohio River to New Orleans. Northeastern Bourbon county and Limestone county combined in 1789 to forge Mason county Virginia.
Although Bourbon is less restricted than Scotch, there are some regulations in place today. State regulation on Bourbon distilling requires the brew to be made from 51% corn; however barley wheat and rye may be used for blending purposes. It must be between 80-160% proof.
The soft texture and sweet taste come from the corn itself. After it is distilled in a continual still, it is then transferred to casks made of oak for maturing for a much regulated minimum of no less than two years. These regulations make Bourbon what it is today, a very popular whiskey among all who drink it.
Philip Jubb
Senior Citizens Information Services
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A wild-flower garden has a most attractive sound. One thinks of long tramps in the woods, collecting material, and then of the fun in fixing up a real for sure wild garden.
Many people say they have no luck at all with such a garden. It is not a question of luck, but a question of understanding, for wild flowers are like people and each has its personality. What a plant has been accustomed to in Nature it desires always. In fact, when removed from its own sort of living conditions, it sickens and dies. That is enough to tell us that we should copy Nature herself. Suppose you are hunting wild flowers. As you choose certain flowers from the woods, notice the soil they are in, the place, conditions, the surroundings, and the neighbours.
Suppose you find dog-tooth violets and wind-flowers growing near together. Then place them so in your own new garden. Suppose you find a certain violet enjoying an open situation; then it should always have the same. You see the point, do you not? If you wish wild flowers to grow in a tame garden make them feel at home. Cheat them into almost believing that they are still in their native haunts.
Wild flowers ought to be transplanted after blossoming time is over. Take a trowel and a basket into the woods with you. As you take up a few, a columbine, or a hepatica, be sure to take with the roots some of the plant's own soil, which must be packed about it when replanted.
The bed into which these plants are to go should be prepared carefully before this trip of yours. Surely you do not wish to bring those plants back to wait over a day or night before planting. They should go into new quarters at once. The bed needs soil from the woods, deep and rich and full of leaf mold. The under drainage system should be excellent. Then plants are not to go into water-logged ground. Some people think that all wood plants should have a soil saturated with water. But the woods themselves are not water-logged. It may be that you will need to dig your garden up very deeply and put some stone in the bottom. Over this the top soil should go. And on top, where the top soil once was, put a new layer of the rich soil you brought from the woods.
Before planting water the soil well. Then as you make places for the plants put into each hole some of the soil which belongs to the plant which is to be put there.
I think it would be a rather nice plan to have a wild-flower garden giving a succession of bloom from early spring to late fall; so let us start off with March, the hepatica, spring beauty and saxifrage. Then comes April bearing in its arms the beautiful columbine, the tiny bluets and wild geranium. For May there are the dog-tooth violet and the wood anemone, false Solomon's seal, Jack-in-the-pulpit, wake robin, bloodroot and violets. June will give the bellflower, mullein, bee balm and foxglove. I would choose the gay butterfly weed for July. Let turtle head, aster, Joe Pye weed, and Queen Anne's lace make the rest of the season brilliant until frost.
Let us have a bit about the likes and dislikes of these plants. After you are once started you'll keep on adding to this wild-flower list.
There is no one who doesn't love the hepatica. Before the spring has really decided to come, this little flower pokes its head up and puts all else to shame. Tucked under a covering of dry leaves the blossoms wait for a ray of warm sunshine to bring them out. These embryo flowers are further protected by a fuzzy covering. This reminds one of a similar protective covering which new fern leaves have. In the spring a hepatica plant wastes no time on getting a new suit of leaves. It makes its old ones do until the blossom has had its day. Then the new leaves, started to be sure before this, have a chance. These delayed, are ready to help out next season. You will find hepaticas growing in clusters, sort of family groups. They are likely to be found in rather open places in the woods. The soil is found to be rich and loose. So these should go only in partly shaded places and under good soil conditions. If planted with other woods specimens give them the benefit of a rather exposed position, that they may catch the early spring sunshine. I should cover hepaticas over with a light litter of leaves in the fall. During the last days of February, unless the weather is extreme take this leaf covering away. You'll find the hepatica blossoms all ready to poke up their heads.
The spring beauty hardly allows the hepatica to get ahead of her. With a white flower which has dainty tracings of pink, a thin, wiry stem, and narrow, grass-like leaves, this spring flower cannot be mistaken. You will find spring beauties growing in great patches in rather open places. Plant a number of the roots and allow the sun good opportunity to get at them. For this plant loves the sun.
The other March flower mentioned is the saxifrage. This belongs in quite a different sort of environment. It is a plant which grows in dry and rocky places. Often one will find it in chinks of rock. There is an old tale to the effect that the saxifrage roots twine about rocks and work their way into them so that the rock itself splits. Anyway, it is a rock garden plant. I have found it in dry, sandy places right on the borders of a big rock. It has white flower clusters borne on hairy stems.
The columbine is another plant that is quite likely to be found in rocky places. Standing below a ledge and looking up, one sees nestled here and there in rocky crevices one plant or more of columbine. The nodding red heads bob on wiry, slender stems. The roots do not strike deeply into the soil; in fact, often the soil hardly covers them. Now, just because the columbine has little soil, it does not signify that it is indifferent to the soil conditions. For it always has lived, and always should live, under good drainage conditions. I wonder if it has struck you, how really hygienic plants are? Plenty of fresh air, proper drainage, and good food are fundamentals with plants.
It is evident from study of these plants how easy it is to find out what plants like. After studying their feelings, then do not make the mistake of huddling them all together under poor drainage conditions.
I always have a feeling of personal affection for the bluets. When they come I always feel that now things are beginning to settle down outdoors. They start with rich, lovely, little delicate blue blossoms. As June gets hotter and hotter their colour fades a bit, until at times they look quite worn and white. Some people call them Quaker ladies, others innocence. Under any name they are charming. They grow in colonies, sometimes in sunny fields, sometimes by the road-side. From this we learn that they are more particular about the open sunlight than about the soil.
If you desire a flower to pick and use for bouquets, then the wild geranium is not your flower. It droops very quickly after picking and almost immediately drops its petals. But the purplish flowers are showy, and the leaves, while rather coarse, are deeply cut. This latter effect gives a certain boldness to the plant that is rather attractive. The plant is found in rather moist, partly shaded portions of the woods. I like this plant in the garden. It adds good colour and permanent colour as long as blooming time lasts, since there is no object in picking it.
There are numbers and numbers of wild flowers I might have suggested. These I have mentioned were not given for the purpose of a flower guide, but with just one end in view your understanding of how to study soil conditions for the work of starting a wild-flower garden.
If you fear results, take but one or two flowers and study just what you select. Having mastered, or better, become acquainted with a few, add more another year to your garden. I think you will love your wild garden best of all before you are through with it. It is a real study, you see.
Philip Jubb
Senior Citizens Information Services
Beat Insomnia without pills
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Guide To Making Big Money By Screening Your Stocks
Making Big Money By Screening Your Stocks
This report should get your head buzzing
with tons of great ideas for finding profitable stocks
and choosing the right investment companies to work
Let's start with the basics....
When it comes to stock performance and choosing a
great investment, many have looked for the ‘perfect
system’ to screen out and identify the big
opportunities. One dramatic example of how fickle the
market is and how inaccurate some stock analysts are
at predicting stock behavior, was an experiment
someone conducted, having chimpanzees throw darts
at a list of stocks and making a selection for
investment. The chimpanzee was more profitable than
the analysts!
Do-It-Yourself or Not - One of the first items you
need to decide is whether you will invest directly or
through an investment firm. If you are investing on
your own, then you will need to secure all of your own
screening information about the stocks that are of
interest. The investment company provides that
service for you.
You can choose to be an active investor with your
company, meaning you want to be included in stock
buying and selling decisions.
Philip Jubb
Panic attack cures
Senior Citizens Information Services
Posted by
Philip Jubb
9:58 AM
Labels: active investor, great investment, stock performance, Stocks
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Container Gardening Tips for Senior Citizens
Container Gardening Tips for Senior Citizens
Container gardens can create a natural sanctuary in a busy city street, along rooftops or on balconies. Senior Citizens can easily accentuate the welcoming look of a deck or patio with colourful pots of annuals, or fill window boxes with shrub roses or any number of small perennials. Whether Senior Citizens arrange pots in a group for a massed effect or highlight a smaller space with a single specimen, you'll be delighted with this simple way to create a garden.
Container gardening enables Senior Citizens to easily vary a color scheme, and as each plant finishes flowering, it can be replaced with another. Whether Senior Citizens choose to harmonize or contrast colors, make sure there is variety in the height of each plant. Think also of the shape and texture of the leaves. Tall strap-like leaves will give a good vertical background to low-growing, wide-leaved plants. Choose plants with a long flowering season, or have others of a different type ready to replace them as they finish blooming.
Experiment with creative containers. Senior Citizens might have an old porcelain bowl or copper urn to use, or perhaps you'd rather make something really modern with timber or tiles. If Senior Citizens decide to buy containers ready-made, terracotta pots look wonderful, but tend to absorb water. You don't want plants to dry out, so paint the interior of these pots with a special sealer available from hardware stores.
Cheaper plastic pots can also be painted on the outside with water-based paints for good effect. When purchasing pots, don't forget to buy matching saucers to catch the drips. This will save cement floors getting stained, or timber floors rotting.
Always use a good quality potting mix in your containers. This will ensure the best performance possible from plants.
If Senior Citizens have steps leading up to the front door, an attractive pot plant on each one will delight your visitors. Indoors, pots of plants or flowers help to create a cosy and welcoming atmosphere.
Decide ahead of time where pots are to be positioned, then buy plants that suit the situation. There is no point buying sun lovers for a shady position, they will not do well. Some plants also have really large roots, so they are best kept for the open garden.
If there is plenty of space at the front door, a group of potted plants off to one side will be more visually appealing than two similar plants placed each side. Unless they are spectacular, they will look rather boring.
Group the pots in odd numbers rather than even, and vary the height and type. To tie the group together, add large rocks that are similar in appearance and just slightly different in size. Three or five pots of the same type and color, but in different sizes also looks affective.
With a creative mind and some determination, Senior Citizens will soon have a container garden that will be the envy of friends and strangers alike.
Philip Jubb
Overweight Grand Kids
Senior Citizens Information Services
Posted by
Philip Jubb
11:11 AM
Labels: container gardening, Flowers, Senior Citizens, Senior Citizens Gardening
Friday, August 10, 2007
Senior Citizen Golf - Tips for Teeing Off.
Senior Citizen Golf - Tips for Teeing Off.
Once you have decided on your clubs, go to the first tee. You have the option of teeing your ball anywhere between, but not forward of, the markers. Don't forget that you can also tee it a maximum of two club-lengths behind the line of the markers.
Before you stick the peg in the ground take a good look at what is in front of you. And know what you are looking for. Almost every hole has more trouble on one side of the fairway than it does on the other. This trouble may be obvious: a string of white out-of-bounds stakes, a fence, or a pond. It may be more subtle: longer rough on one side than on the other, or a fairway trap on one side. It might be just a line of small trees, or a hidden ravine, or it might be one big tree with spreading branches out there in the rough about 220 or 230 yards from the tee.
Whatever the trouble is, make this your rule: Tee up your ball on the same side of the teeing ground as the trouble lies, and shoot away from it.
If the worst trouble lies on the right side, tee up on the right. Aim for the left center of the fairway and let fly. This way you will be at least starting your shot away from the danger zone. If, playing from the right side, you slice badly enough to bring the ball back into the trouble, you will still have two sources of satisfaction: The ball won't be as deep in the trouble and you will know that you at least tried intelligently to avoid it. There is always the chance, of course, that you will hit the ball across the fairway and into the rough on the opposite side, but then you have been caught by the lesser of the two evils and the advantage is still yours.
Something else in teeing your ball. Take advantage, if there is any to be taken, of any unevenness of the ground. Often there are little depressions on a tee. If there are in the area you choose, tee your ball on the forward edge of one. This will give you a slightly uphill lie, the lie most golfers like to play from. This is especially important if you are playing with the wind behind you. It will get your ball a little higher. But wherever you tee, be sure there are no obstructions of any kind behind the ball. These might be worm casts, which could deflect the club slightly as it is brought back, or they could be loose, dead grass, the movement of which might distract you. Whatever they are, get rid of them.
Another point to be sure of is that your feet are on level ground, that there is nothing under them which disturbs you, like a stick or a small stone or a clod of mud. Be sure also, especially in wet weather, that your feet aren't resting on muddy ground or loose earth from which they might slip.
All this may seem to be making mountains out of those worm casts we warned you of, but such observation, inspection, and reaction should become automatic. We assure you they are with the good player. Any little advantages which may exist are even more valuable to you than they are to the pro or the low-handicap player.
Handling the Wind
One of the great and variable hazards of golf is the wind. Few players actually like the wind, because it is an unsettling factor, though sometimes more imaginary than real. It is a fact, though, that an appreciable number of yards are lost when you hit straight into a wind, even though it is a light breeze, and just as many yards are gained when the wind is directly with the shot.
It follows, then, that in playing against the wind the ball should be kept as low as possible, where it is less exposed, and that when the wind is behind us we should get the ball up so the movement of air can exert a greater and longer effect. To get a low ball, play it back farther than normal, toward the center line between the feet if it is the tee shot, back farther for a pitching iron. Keep more weight on the left leg than normally and try to have your hands ahead of the ball at impact. It is also advisable, against the wind, to take one club stronger than you would use in still air, grip it shorter, and use a shorter but firmer swing. Most of these alterations should be reversed in a following wind.
The ball should be played a shade farther forward than usual to get it up quickly, and one club weaker than normal should be used. It, too, should be gripped shorter and swung with a shorter and firmer action. Let the weight movement and the hand action be normal; fooling with them is too dangerous.
Playing in a crosswind from the tee, the ball should be played from the same side the wind is blowing and played for the windward side of the fairway. This way you are
letting the wind help the ball just a little, instead of fighting it as you would be if you started the ball even slightly against it. This formula playing from the side of the tee the wind is blowing from holds in a quartering wind too, whether it is with or against you.
You will be faced with a slight conflict if the trouble is on one side of the fairway and the wind is coming from the other. When you find yourself in this dilemma, let the trouble be the determining factor.
One more thought while we are on the teeing ground. Most short (par 3) holes are played with an iron. When you play them, use a wooden tee. This is the only chance you ever have to get a perfect lie for an iron, so why not take it? But remember, the higher you tee the ball, the less distance you will get.
You can make this knowledge work for you. For instance, you may come to a hole which is a little short for the 5 iron you feel you should use but not short enough for a 6. Your feeling is that if you use the No. 6 you will have to hit the ball very hard to get there. In this case use the 5 but tee your ball a little higher and use your normal swing. The higher tee will take distance off the shot. You can vary the height of the tee in the wind, too, teeing a shade higher if you want the help of a following wind and lower if you want a low, boring shot into the wind.
Philip Jubb
Dog Grooming
Senior Citizens Information Services
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Senior Citizen Herb Gardening
Senior Citizen Herb Gardening
Herbs have been around since time immemorial and served different kinds of purposes. They have been used to treat illness and flavour cooking; they were even believed to have magical powers. Do you want to have your own herb garden? Here are a few ideas on how to establish an herb garden.
Plan your garden.
Consider the herbs you want to plant. Think about their types. Would you like annuals, biennials or perennials?
How much space will they occupy in your garden? If you want, you can purchase a book that can give you the right information on what specific plants you are planning to grow.
List or draw your garden on paper first. Separate the annuals from the perennials so when the time comes that you have to pull out the annuals, you won't be disturbing the perennials. Perennials can be planted on the edge of your garden so when it is time to till your garden they won't be in danger of getting dug up.
Another thing to remember is that you have to plant the tall ones at the back and the shorter ones in front. Also, provide your plants with enough space to grow. Proper position shall help you in this area.
If you would rather keep herbs out of your garden (and some are quite invasive) you could have herb pots. These are large containers with three or more outlets for the herbs. Fill the pot up to the first outlet and plant it before continuing on with the filling and planting process. Usually, the herb that requires the most water is planted in the bottom hole, while the variety that requires the least, goes in the highest hole.
Some Design Ideas
You can consider having a square herb bed. You can have your square bed divided into four by two paths crossing at mid point measuring 3 feet. You can border it with stone or brick. A wooden ladder may also do the trick. You can lay it down on your garden and plant your herbs between its rungs. You can also choose to have a wagon wheel bed. Planting here is like planting with the wooden ladders. Plant your herbs in between the wagon wheel's wedges.
Get Your Plants Growing
Of course, different plants have different needs, but many of them require alkaline soil. This is the reason why you have to determine the herbs you want to plant in the planning stage. This can more or less help you find out how you should care for your plants. If you germinate your herbs from seeds, remember to follow the directions on the packet for soil, watering and temperature.
Herbs are some of the easiest plants to grow. You just have to provide them with an effective drainage, sunlight, enough humidity or moisture and fertile soil. Even with just minimally meeting these requirements they will be bound produce a good harvest.
Philip Jubb
Beat Insomnia without pills
Senior Citizens Information Services
IT Services
Monday, August 06, 2007
Senior Citizens Health - Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimer's disease What is it?
Alzheimer's is a progressive, degenerative disease that destroys brain cells, causing death. The disease is the most common cause of dementia which is the deterioration of a person's mental faculties. The causes of Alzheimer's are still not known.
The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease causes the loss of intellectual ability use of memory, thinking, reasoning, judgment, orientation, and concentration, and it can cause drastic changes in personality, mood and behavior. In its early stages, it has symptoms similar to those of depression such as withdrawal, apathy, loss of concentration and interest, memory failure, anxiety, agitation, and delusions. Alzheimer's is a disease and not a normal part of aging.
The diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's is difficult to diagnose and is often misdiagnosed. It is made primarily from the symptoms reported by the affected person, by the family members and by a series of tests that evaluate a person's mental function. No brain scan or blood test can make the diagnosis, although the CT scan or MRI may show degeneration of brain tissue that is characteristic of the disease. An important step in diagnosing Alzheimer's is to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms which include depression, adverse effects from some medications, excessive consumption of alcohol, thyroid disorders, liver failure, kidney failure, a vitamin deficiency, bleeding inside the skull, and infections that can effect the brain.
There is NO treatment for Alzheimer's disease!
There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease. Treatment primarily involves caring for him or her and dealing with the worsening symptoms. Most people in the early stages live at home and are cared for by the family members.
What should the family of an Alzheimer's person consider?
Get a diagnosis early
Take care of legal and financial planning
Learn about the disease
Learn how to protect your loved one
Look for adult day-care programs, in home assistance, visiting nurses, and delivery of meals
Don't neglect your own needs
Talk to a support group to try to overcome the difficulty of grieving for a person who is still alive
Care at home.
In the living quarters hand bars (especially at the tub and toilet), ramps and other aids should also be installed. Occupational and physical therapy should emphasize using the effected limbs and to help improve walking, mobility, eating, dressing, toilet functions, avoiding bed ulcers and improving other basic needs.
Bear in mind Alzheimers is a one way ticket to misery for all concerned.
Posted by
Philip Jubb
10:37 AM
Labels: Alzheimers Disease, Old Age Pensioners, Oldage Pensioners, oldagepensioners, Senior Citizens Gardening, Senior Citizens Health
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Senior Citizens Gardening - The Soil
The chances are that you will not find a spot of ideal garden soil ready for use anywhere upon your place. But all except the very worst of soils can be brought up to a very high degree of productiveness--especially such small areas as home vegetable gardens require. Large tracts of soil that are almost pure sand, and others so heavy and mucky that for centuries they lay uncultivated, have frequently been brought, in the course of only a few years, to where they yield annually tremendous crops on a commercial basis. So do not be discouraged about your soil.
Proper treatment of it is much more important, and a gardenpatch of average run down, --or "never-brought-up" soil--will produce much more for the energetic and careful gardener than the richest spot will grow under average methods of cultivation.
The ideal garden soil is a "rich, sandy loam." And the fact cannot be overemphasized that such soils usually are made, not found. Let us analyze that description a bit, for right here we come to the first of the four all-important factors of gardening food. The others are cultivation, moisture and temperature.
"Rich" in the gardener's vocabulary means full of plant food; more than that--and this is a point of vital importance--it means full of plant food ready to be used at once, all prepared and spread out on the garden table, or rather where growing things can at once make use of it; or what we term, in one word, "available" plant food. Practically no soils in long inhabited communities remain naturally rich enough to produce big crops.
They are made rich, or kept rich, in two ways; first, by cultivation, which helps to change the raw plant food stored in the soil into available forms; and second, by fertilizing or adding plant food to the soil from outside sources.
"Sandy" in the sense here used, means a soil containing enough particles of sand so that water will pass through it without leaving it pasty and sticky a few days after a rain; "light" enough, as it is called, so that a handful, under ordinary conditions, will crumble and fall apart readily after being pressed in the hand. It is not necessary that the soil is sandy in appearance, but it should be friable.
"Loam: a rich, friable soil,". That hardly covers it, but it does describe it. It is soil in which the sand and clay are in proper proportions, so that neither greatly predominate, and usually dark in color, from cultivation and enrichment. Such a soil, even to the untrained eye, just naturally looks as if it would grow things. It is remarkable how quickly the whole physical appearance of a piece of well cultivated ground will change.
One instance came about last fall in one of my gardens, where a strip had contained onions for two years, and a little piece jutting off from the middle of this had been prepared for them for just one season. The rest had not received any extra fertilizing or cultivation. When the garden was plowed up in the fall, all three sections were as distinctly noticeable as though a fence separated them. And I know that next springs crop of carrots, before it is plowed under, will show the lines of demarcation just as plainly.
Philip Jubb
Friday, August 03, 2007
Senior Citizens Gardening - Planting Plan
To make the Planting Plan take a sheet of white paper and a ruler and mark off a space the shape of your garden--which should be rectangular if possible--using a scale of one-quarter or one-eighth inch to the foot. Rows fifty feet long will be found a convenient length for the average home garden. In a garden where many varieties of things are grown it will be best to run the rows the short way of the piece.
We will take a fifty-foot row for the purpose of illustration, though of course it can readily be changed in proportion where rows of that length cannot conveniently be made. In a very small garden it will be better to make the row, say, twenty-five feet long, the aim being always to keep the row a unit and have as few broken ones as possible, and still not to have to plant more of any one thing than will be needed.
In assigning space for the various vegetables things should be kept in mind in order to facilitate planting, replanting and cultivating the garden. Thesecan most quickly be realized by a glance at the plan. Crops that remain several years--rhubarb and asparagus--are kept at an end.
Next come those that will remain a whole season--parsnips, carrots, onions and the like. Finally, those that will be used for a succession of crops-- peas, lettuce, spinach; Tall-growing crops, like pole beans, are kept to the north of lower ones. In the plan the space given to each variety is allotted according to the proportion in which they are ordinarily used. If you have a special weakness for peas, or your mother-in-law an aversion to peppers, keep these tastes and similar ones in mind when laying out.
Do not leave the planning of your garden until you are ready to put the seeds in. Do it in January, as soon as you have received the New Year's catalogs and when you have time to study over them and look up your record of the previous year. Every hour spent on the plan will mean several hours saved in the garden.
The Planting Table is the next important system in the business of gardening, especially for the beginner. In it one can see at a glance all the details of the particular treatment each vegetable requires-- when to sow, how deep, how far apart the rows should be, etc.
Posted by
Philip Jubb
3:43 PM
Labels: planting plan, Senior Citizens Gardening, vegetables
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Senior Citizens - Tips for a Cheaper Retirement
Senior Citizens - Tips for a Cheaper Retirement
Everyone is looking for ways to save …here are a few ways to save when it comes to retirement.
Review your life insurance needs. The main reason to buy life insurance is to provide income for anyone who is dependent on you such as children or a spouse. If your kids are grown or you are divorced, you may want to reconsider making payments. You can also think about how much coverage you need.
Drive your car longer. Hold onto your car even after you have paid it off. There seems to be a desire to buy a new car for three or four years after you pay the loan off. Don’t give in! Drive the car for at least three or four years after the loan is paid off, but continue to make the monthly payments (which you have in your budget), to yourself. For instance, if your loan payment is $350 monthly, place that money into a savings account. That money will add up, especially if you keep it invested.
The average interest rate for a credit card today is 8 percent. If you are running a credit card balance and paying a high interest rate, cutting your rate, or getting the balance down will really save you some money. That money you can use to pay off your mortgage or invest for retirement.
Try to raise your Home and Car Insurance deductibles. You can reduce your annual premiums by 20 percent or so if you boost the deductibles. If you happen to have a low deductible and make a lot of claims, chances are pretty good your insurer will either boost your premium cost at your next renewal, to "get back" the money they paid out to you, or, even worse, they can choose to cancel your coverage. The bottom line is that you only want to make insurance claims for big-ticket problems. So boost those $250 and $500 deductibles to at least $1,000. If you have an old car, you should also look into whether you still need collision coverage. There's no need to pay for it if your car's market value - what your insurer would pay you should your car gets totaled - doesn't amount to much minus the deductible.
Any more tips for the Senior Citizens? Drop us a line or add a comment here
Philip Jubb
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Alaska Ski Vacations
Alaska Ski Vacations
Alaska, which has always been a source of awe and
mystery, has some of the best skiing in the world,
and the Alyeska Resort is one of the finest resorts
in the state. With a top elevation of 2751 feet and a
2501 vertical drop, the area gets an average of 631
inches of snow annually.
Although this is some of the best skiing in the world,
you won’t find the slopes overly crowded, and there
are no long lift lines. There are nine lifts, including
six chair lifts and two surface lifts, and one cable
car line. There are 68 trails for beginners,
intermediates, and experts, with the majority of the
trails designed for intermediate skiers.
Night time skiing is allowed, which makes your ski
experience more adventurous and thrilling. You will
see snow capped mountains, hanging glaciers, and
of course, the famous Northern Lights. This resort is
ranked number nine of the top twenty-five killer ski
trips by Skiing Magazine.
The season begins at the Alyeska Resort in mid
November, and runs through mid April. This area of
Alaska boasts the longest daytime areas in the
United States, with approximately sixteen hours of
daylight each day during April. During December,
however, there are only about seven hours of daylight
– which makes night time skiing necessary if you
are going to get in the time that you want to spend
on the slopes.
The Alyeska Prince Hotel is the place to stay! Here
you will enjoy elegant rooms and fine dining. Nightly
entertainment is available as well. There are other
nightlife spots in the area as well, that are not
associated with the Hotel.
If tubing interests you, then visiting the Glacier
Tubing Park is an absolute must! Featuring two
lanes of terrain and a surface lift, everyone in the
family will enjoy spending time at the tubing park.
The Alyeska Terrain Park is a must for
snowboarding enthusiasts. Other winter activities
that can be enjoyed in and around the Alyeska
Resort include flight seeing, helisking, ocean
cruising tours, dog sledding, ice climbing, back
country skiing, mountaineering, and polar bear
At the Alyeska Resort, the ultimate winter vacation
can be experienced. Brave the elements, then return
to the Hotel for some pampering. Get a taste of what
Alaska is really like, and what skiing is meant to be!
There are activities for the entire family to enjoy, and
there are many area sights and attractions to be
enjoyed as well. This really is an awesome winter
family ski vacation!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
An Effective Treatment For Thrush
An Effective Treatment For Thrush
Are you looking for some inside information on Thrush? Here's an up-to-date report from Thrush experts who should know from
The more authentic information about Thrush you know, the more likely people are to consider you a Thrush expert. Read
on for even more Thrush facts that you can share.
What is gentian violet?
Gentian violet sounds like something that is very sophisticated but actually it is not. It certainly is not a color but rather
gentian violet is just a quite popular treatment for thrush. Thrush occurs because of infections on the skin or mucous
membranes inside the mouth and may infect both infants and adults.
People at special risk for developing thrush are the following: newborn babies, denture users, adults with diabetes or other
metabolic disturbance, people undergoing antibiotic or chemotherapy treatment, drug users, people with poor nutrition
and people with an immune deficiency. These people or the people around them, whichever is applicable, should be extra
observant so that any signs or symptoms of thrush can be detected and then treated right away otherwise the condition
has a chance of worsening.
It is a belief of many that gentian violet is the most effective treatment of nipple soreness for breastfeeding mothers. The
mothers who have used gentian violet can attest that relief is rapid so meaning it usually works right when you need it
meaning as soon as possible but make sure that the dosage is right. To be discussed in the paragraphs to follow are some
of the suggestions to people who use and about to use gentian violet for thrush. These next items will indeed be very
useful to gentian violet users.
Gentian violet can be messy so timing, though not everything in this case, of the application of this treatment is essential.
Most mothers prefer to doing the treatment just before they get a good night’s sleep because during those house they can
keep their nipples exposed thus no need to worry about staining their clothes while the application is in progress.
The effect of the gentian violet for thrush is sort of immediate and in most cases thrush is one hundred percent gone by
the third day if not then consider applying affected areas for a few more days. If problem persists then it is time to consult
your doctor.
If baby is irritable while being nurse by a mother who uses gentian violet for thrush then the mother should stop using the
gentian violet immediately and then go see a doctor instead for other possible suggestions for the treatment of the thrush.
There are other ways to cure thrush but gentian violet is still the one thing that people readily look for when thrush occurs.
In this case there is a need to make sure that it is the genuine gentian violet for thrush and not some rip off medicine that
you have in hand. This is so because some people are questioning the credibility of gentian violet and some attribute the
failed times of gentian violet to fake products that do not have same ingredients as the real gentian violet.
These are just some of the things that users of gentian violet for thrush should be aware of. The notes are just easy to
remember. It is now possible for you to recall how and why gentian violet should be used for thrush. If unfortunately one
day you wake up and discover that you have thrush then you can use the information in this article for your own good.
Otherwise you can always provide the information you have read to a very worried mother whose kid has thrush but who
knows nothing about gentian violet.
Sometimes it's tough to sort out all the details related to this subject, but I'm positive you'll have no trouble making sense
of the information presented above.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Natural Sleep
A Guide to Natural Sleep Remedies
We all experience the occasional night of sleeplessness without too much trouble Only when the occasional night here and there becomes a pattern of several nights in a row are we faced with a problem.
Repeated loss of sleep affects all areas of our lives: The physical, the mental, and emotional. It can affect our overall daily performance and may even have an effect on our personality.
If insomnia continues for a long period of time it can cause problems within relationships, compromise productivity, and even lead to other health problems.
It can become a relentless cycle of worry and anxiety as night after night you toss and turn, wondering when sleep will come, wondering what is wrong with you.
Insomnia and sleeplessness generally fall into three categories:"Initial" insomnia: where you have difficulty in falling asleep, generally taking 30 minutes or longer to fall into a sleep state."Middle" insomnia: where after falling asleep you have problems maintaining a sleep state, often remaining awake until the early morning hours.
"Late" or "Terminal" insomnia: where you awake early in the morning after less than 6 hours of sleep.
Insomnia may be a symptom of a medical condition requiring a visit to your doctor.
If however your sleeplessness is due to a pattern of not sleeping, or because your body and mind find it difficult to settle into a state of relaxation necessary for sleep, this book offers you sveral alternative choices for achieving healthy sleep without the use of prescription drugs.
This book will Show you how to:
- Set the mood for a comfortable atmosphere
- Prepare you for relaxation
- Use colors to stimulate relaxation
- Understand the importance of exercise
- Use music and other relaxation techniques
- Relieve your mind of anxiety and worry
- Discover the importance of reducing stimulants
- Use herbal teas and warm drinks to promote relaxation
- Use herbs and vitamins to promote natural sleep
All of the techniques and sleep-inducing aids in this book can be applied naturally and easily in your life. Get ready to embark on the journey of falling asleep naturally!
Establish a bedtime routine that works for you and stick with it. Your body and mind need to get into the habit of falling asleep naturally.
After reading this book you’ll be able to turn your sleepless nights into restful ones. Waking in the morning refreshed and alert rather than tired irritable and anxious.
NOTE:- Decide on a course of action and stay with it for at least a week or two before making changes to your routine. In fact when deciding on changes only change one thing at a time.
To Begin
Write down a plan of action, including bedtime and waking time. Keep a list of the herbs and vitamins and teas that you have tried.
Try to keep to your routine and after a week or two has passed and if you are still experiencing difficulty sleeping make singular adjustments. The key here is to be consistent and determined and only make one adjustment at a time.
Your goal should be to establish a regular sleep pattern. Wake each morning at the same time and try not to oversleep. Sleeping longer than you need to will only make you feel groggy and disoriented.
Sleep experts believe that you should get an average of seven to eight hours of sleep each night. You can’t make up for sleep that you lose during the night by sleeping in later in the morning. Simply do your best during the day and try to get back to your sleep schedule that night.
- . Prepare for bed at the same time each night.
- . Establish what hours work best for you.
- . Be consistent.
- . Maintain your routine
Create a routine that will prepare you for sleep.
The routine can include many of the suggestions found in this book or they can be as simple as brushing your teeth or reading a book. Whatever routine you decide on it will be a way of telling your unconscious that it is time to fall asleep.
Try to make sure that your routine is relaxing thus enabling your mind can rest.
Ensure that daytime naps are not part of your daily routine! If you allow yourself to sleep during the day, even if it just for a few minutes, you may confuse your body's ability to differentiate between day and night sleeping.
Try staying active when you are feeling tired during the day, eat a small piece of fruit to increase your energy level.
Remember that natural remedies work differently for each individual. Think positive thoughts as you design a sleep routine that is right for you. Don’t become discouraged if you have to change and alter your nighttime routine after a couple of weeks. With perseverance and determination you will achieve your goal of seven to eight hours of natural sleep.
Room Conditions
After establishing a consistent bedtime routine it is important to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere in your bedroom. The more cozy and harmonic your bedroom is the more relaxed you will feel.
Your goal is to promote a calming and restive atmosphere. This may be achieved by creating a bedroom environment that is not only appealing to you but also functions without interruptions or annoying irritations.
Ensure that the room temperature is set to a reasonable level. Ideally your room should be on the cooler side; however you should experiment with your own comfort level.
You don't want to wake during the night either too hot or too cold and then find yourself wide awake once again. Sleep experts say that the ideal room temperature is 65 to 70 degrees F. For myself I would try it a little lower.
Write down a plan of action, including bedtime and waking time. Keep a list of the herbs and vitamins that you have tried as well as teas you prefer.
Try to keep to your routine and after a week or two has passed and if you are still experiencing difficulty sleeping make singular adjustments. The key here is to be consistent and determined and only make one adjustment at a time.
Your goal should be to establish a regular sleep pattern. Wake each morning at the same time and try not to oversleep. Sleeping longer than you need to will only make you feel groggy and disoriented.
Sleep experts believe that you should get an average of seven to eight hours of sleep each night. You can’t make up for sleep that you lose during the night by sleeping in later in the morning. Simply do your best during the day and try to get back to your sleep schedule that night.
- Prepare for bed at the same time each night.
- Establish what hours work best for you.
- Be consistent.
- Maintain your routine
Try to make sure that your routine is relaxing so that your mind can rest.
Ensure that daytime naps are not part of your daily routine! If you allow yourself to sleep during the day, even if it just for a few minutes, you may confuse your body's ability to differentiate between day and night sleeping.
Try staying active when you are feeling tired during the day, eat a small piece of fruit to increase your energy level.
Remember that natural remedies work differently for each individual. Think positive thoughts as you design a sleep routine that is right for you. Don’t become discouraged if you have to change and alter your nighttime routine after a couple of weeks. With perseverance and determination you will achieve your goal of seven to eight hours of natural sleep.
Room ConditionsAfter establishing a consistent bedtime routine it is important to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere in your bedroom. The more cozy and harmonic your bedroom is the more relaxed you will feel.
Your goal is to promote a calming and restive atmosphere. This may be achieved by creating a bedroom environment that is not only appealing to you but also functions without interruptions or annoying irritations.
Ensure that the room temperature is set to a reasonable level. Ideally your room should be on the cooler side; however you should experiment with your own comfort level.
You don't want to wake during the night either too hot or too cold and then find yourself wide awake once again. Sleep experts say that the ideal room temperature is 65 to 70 degrees F. For myself I would try it a little lower
Try to sleep with the window open, however slightly. This will allow for proper ventilation. Proper ventilation will aid your body in breathing deeply and getting the oxygen your lungs need to feed your sleep.
Avoid NoiseYou may be sensitive to noises around you both in and outside the bedroom. If this is the case and you find that noise is disturbing or interrupting your sleep you want to consider ear plugs. They may take a little getting used to, however there are plugs on the market that are specifically designed to be comfortable and unobtrusive to your sleep.
Take time to try what works best for you. If you find ear plugs to be too uncomfortable you may want to use a "white noise" machine, such as a fan. "White noise" from the fan is used to over-ride or mask other sounds that may be disturbing to your sleep, such as traffic dogs and voices.
Ideally your bedroom should be as dark as possible. Light may disrupt your normal circadian rhythm and signal your body that it is time to wake up. If you find it difficult to fall asleep in a room that gets too much light, try purchasing an eye mask. There are eye masks on the market that will be comfortable to wear as well as effectively block out any interfering light. If you find an eye mask to be too uncomfortable try hanging thick curtains or install blinds. Curtains may be lined with “Blackout Liners” or you may purchase the liners separately as “loose liners”. I have found this to be a very effective solution to the light problem.
Wear comfortable, loose clothing. The more constricted or uncomfortable you feel the more likely you are to wake up during the night.
Ticking Clocks I love them and often find I can lull myself to sleep with the rhythm. My wife hates them.
If the sound the sound of a ticking clock doesn’t work for you get rid of the clock! Replace it with a digital one. If you find yourself constantly looking at the time to see how many hours have passed turn it to the wall. Knowing that time is passing will only increase your anxiety and stress about not sleeping.
Do not have’s in the BedroomThis includes televisions, computers, stereo equipment and anything likely to go beep in the night. You need to ensure that your bedroom is only used for sleeping and love making.
If you have a CD player in the bedroom make sure that you only use if for playing relaxing music or sleep inducing CDs.
Comfort and PostureAs you make changes in your life to promote and achieve natural sleep you should look at the condition of your bed, bedding, and night attire(if any).
The goal is to be as comfortable as possible and to avoid irritations that prevent you from falling asleep or that may wake you during the night. You must make adjustments as you experiment with what works best for you.
Your mattress should be comfortable and firm so as to provide you with very neccesary spinal support. No lumps and bumps.
Is the bed big enough? I’ve grown several stones over the years. Ensure that the mattress does not sag. This can lead to poor spinal support and then to back ache making it even harder to sleep.Use a pillow that suits you. It can be soft or firm so long as it provides you with the necessary support.
You may want to leave the sheets un-tucked at the bottom of the bed so that your feet feel free and not tied down.
Discover your preference for blankets.Too many or too few blankets. Your goal is to find the right temperature for sleeping so that you are not waking during the night. You should be sleeping in a cool-ish room so you may like to try an extra blanket.
The pajamas you wear to bed should be loose and comfortable. Anything restrictive such as tight clothing can keep you awake.
Do not use your bed for anything other than sleep or love making. Your mind and body should associate the bed with rest sleep and pleasure.
A place of comfort and harmony.Try and find a favorite position to fall asleep. On your back, your stomach, or your side doesn’t matter as long as it is comfortable. When you first prepare for sleep get into this position. Over a period of time your mind will become convinced that it is time for sleep.
Color therapy or Chromatherapy is the use of color to promote general health and also to help help treat particular problems. It has long been recognized that the body responds differently to different colors. If you have ever been in a hospital what color do the surgeons wear?
Chromatherapy can be used to help treat both emotional and physical sleep disturbances, and may involve exposure to colored lights, massages using color-saturated oils and salves, meditation and visualization of certain colors, or wearing certain colors of clothing.
Color has been used for centuries in the treatment of a wide variety of disorders.
In India, practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine believed that specific colors corresponded with each of the seven chakras, vortices of energy in the body that represent organs, emotions, and aspects of the soul or life force.
In the days of ancient Egypt, practitioners built solariums with specifically designed glasses and lenses that served to break up the sun's rays into the colors of the spectrum.
In the late 17th century modern-day color theory was born. English mathematician and philosopher Sir Isaac Newton conducted prism experiments and showed that light is truly a mixture of colors from the visible spectrum.
But it was not until the late 1800s, when Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt published his book Principles of Light and Color, that Chromatherapy as we know it was outlined.
It is in this work that Dr. Babbitt suggests the use of color as a treatment for a variety of ailments, including sleep and anxiety disorders.
In the late 1940s, Russian researcher S.V. Krakov conducted a series of experiments in which he separated the different wavelengths in the light spectrum to show how color affects the nervous system. In his experiments, he observed that red light stimulated the adrenal glands, raising blood pressure and pulse rate, and that blue and white light had a calming, relaxing effect.
The fruits of Krakov's studies are still used today by many practitioners, and his brand of color therapy is commonly recommended for stress and for stress-related pain.
In recent years studies have demonstrated the positive effects of full-spectrum light on seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other forms of depression, which has resulted in increased public awareness of color therapy. It is becoming more and more common to find mainstream researchers turning to Chromatherapy for a variety of ailments, particularly sleep disorders.
Color is a property of light, which is made up of many different waves of energy. When light falls upon the photoreceptor cells of the retina, it is converted into electrical impulses. These impulses travel to the brain and trigger the release of hormones. The release of these hormones can help treat the body and mind for many of the medical conditions that hinder sleep as well as promote conditions that are conducive to sleep and rest.
While many forms of chromatherapy can and should only be practiced by doctors, some forms of color therapy are simple and safe enough to be practiced in the comfort of your own home.
These include wearing clothing of particular hues, surrounding yourself with a recommended color, eating certain colorful foods, and concentration on visualizing a particular color.
What you eat during the day and during the evening can affect your sleep patterns. If your diet consists of a high amount of processed food you may want to try eating more politically correct products.
You may want to eliminate, reduce, or substitute the amount of sugars, fats, and preservatives from your daily intake of food. This may benefit your ability to fall asleep at night as well as improve your general health.
Eat a well balanced diet by following the recommended daily food allowance.
Make sure you are meeting the daily requirements for fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat food containing complex carbohydrates and choose protein that is low in fat. You could also try meat substitutes, such at tofu or vegetarian burgers.
Beware of any food allergies that you have. If your body is allergic to certain foods it may affect the way you think and feel. This could be a contributing factor to your not sleeping. Some common food allergies that are known to contribute to insomnia are corn, dairy products, wheat, and (Oh Dear) chocolate.
I keep banging on about this but please try and have your evening meal at least four hours before bed. Eat a healthy, well balanced meal. Don’t over eat as this causes you to become tired after your meal – you nod off for a while and – don’t sleep that night. Try and eat so that you don’t get hungry later and start nibbling.
Avoid foods that are too heavy or spicy. Try cereal and milk or a low-fat yogurt.
Make sure that you drink enough water during the day. Studies show that your daily recommended water intake should be around 8 glasses, or 2 liters. Try to avoid drinking water or other liquids one hour before bed if the need to urinate wakes you up during the night.
Reduce Worry/Anxiety
Perhaps you're someone whose mind is always busy. You think about the events of your day as you wind down for the evening. You worry about your family, your job, your finances, and what tomorrow is going to bring. Sometimes it's difficult to empty your mind of all these details long enough to fall asleep. This can lead to you tossing and turning as your mind whirls at top speed.
There are several ways that you can reduce anxiety about situations and events in your life long enough to allow you to fall asleep. The key is finding a process that works for you. The goal is to clear your mind and consciously realize that tomorrow is the time to tackle problems and tonight is the time to sleep.
One technique you can try is writing down all your worries and concerns before you retire for the night. Keep a notebook available for just this purpose. List in point form those things that you are worrying about. Make note of which of these items you can deal with tomorrow. Have a decisive plan of action for what you are going to accomplish tomorrow.
Make a separate list in your notebook that contains only those things in your life over which you have no control. Firmly tell yourself that these items are beyond your power.
Once you have completed your two lists it is time to close the notebook and repeat to yourself that you will not think of these worries until tomorrow.
If, during the night, you find yourself thinking about any of the items in either list make a mental note to catch yourself and sternly remind yourself that the covers of the notebook are closed and cannot be opened.
Another technique for keeping daily anxiety and worry out of your mind while you try to fall asleep is to keep a daily diary. Be sure to include all your worries and fears in your diary along with the events of the day. The goal here is to put down your feelings in writing so that you can be free of them in the evening.
The act of physically writing is the key here to acknowledging that you are worried while at the same time giving yourself permission to rest and deal with them tomorrow.
You can reduce the effects that worry and stress can create for your body by using some of the other methods for achieving relaxation described in this book.
You may want to consider a combination of soothing music and yoga to clear your mind. Or perhaps reading quietly will keep your mind from wandering back to your stressful day.
Yet again - lets relax and prepare for a great nights sleep.
Warm Bath
A warm bath an hour or more before bed may help you relax and feel drowsy. It’s important that you don't have your bath right before bed as the warm water will raise your body temperature and have an arousing effect on you rather than a sedating one.
You need to allow time for your body temperature to lower by bedtime while still remaining relaxed and peaceful.
Try adding to the mood of your bath by creating a serene atmosphere:
· Place candles around the bathtub.
· Keep the lighting low.
· Burn your favorite perfume or incense.
· Listen to relaxing music.
Add herbs to your bath to induce relaxation. Tie the herbs in a bag and suspend the bag under the hot water while the bath is filling. Soak in the bath and enjoy the aroma of the herbs.
The following herbs are recommended for a relaxing bath:
· Chamomile
· Lavender
· Lime flower
· Mint
· Passion flower
Use aroma therapy oils to promote a relaxing bath. Add four or five drops of the essential oil to your warm bath after the water has been turned off. The following essential oils are recommended:
· Chamomile
· Hops
· Lavender
· Neroli
· Rose
· Vetiver
· Ylang-ylang
Melatonin (5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine)
A hormone that occurs naturally in the body. At night melatonin is secreted by a tiny, pea-sized organ at the center of our brains called the pineal gland to help our bodies regulate our sleep-wake cycles.
Melatonin regulates the body's circadian rhythm, our internal 24-hour time-keeping system which plays an important role in controlling when we fall asleep and when we wake up.
Darkness stimulates the release of melatonin and light suppresses its action on the nervous system. While our pineal gland is capable of producing melatonin for all our life, scientists have observed evidence which suggests melatonin production slows down as we grow older. Scientists also believe this is why younger people tend to have less difficulty with sleeping than older people.
In addition to occurring naturally in the body, melatonin has also been synthesized in the laboratory and ihas been available as a supplement without a prescription in health food and drug stores in the United States for several years. In the USA Melatonin is not regulated by any government agency.
Because it is contained naturally in some foods, the U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 allows it to be sold as a dietary supplement. These do not need to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or controlled in the same way as some drugs.
However, since melatonin products have not been approved by the FDA, their safety, purity and effectiveness can't be guaranteed.
They are said to be particularly effective in helping to treat delayed sleep-phase disorders, and have also been very useful in treating and preventing jet lag and jet lag’s resulting insomnia.
The proper dosage varies greatly from person to person. Tablets are available in a range of doses (commonly from 1mg to 3mg). It is typically suggested to begin with a small dose (around 1mg) and work your way up to larger doses if necessary.
Melatonin should only be taken at nighttime; it is usually most effective when taken about thirty minutes prior to going to sleep. If you are traveling across multiple time zones and wish to use melatonin to counteract the effects of jet lag, you may want to take a dosage prior to getting on your flight and a higher dosage prior to going to bed.
If you commonly sleep during the night, melatonin should not normally be taken during the day, and vice versa, due to melatonin’s role in adjusting the body's internal clock.
There are several issues that you should be aware of. First, although it is available over the counter and has been used for several years without instances of severe side effects, the use of melatonin has not yet been confirmed to be safe by a regulatory body authorized to do so. Of particular concern is the lack of information regarding melatonin’s interaction with other medications.
Melatonin is for adult use only. Not for use by children, teenagers, or pregnant or lactating women. If you have an auto-immune disease, diabetes, a depressive disorder, epilepsy, leukemia or a lymphoproliferative disorder, or are taking an MAO inhibitor, consult a physician before taking this product.
WARNING - If you're pregnant, nursing, or if you suffer from any chronic disease, don't take any of these remedies without first consulting your doctor.
BLACK COHOSH - (Actaea racemosa, Cimicifuga racemosa)
This Native American herb is relaxing. Eases pain, such as that from neuralgia. It's also excellent for female problems. Large doses can be harmful and can cause nausea and dizziness.
Dosage and Administration
Tablets : For menopausal symptoms, studies have used 20 milligram or 40 milligram Remifemin® tablets (containing 1 or 2 milligrams of 27-deoxyactein) twice daily or 40 drops of a liquid extract. Some clinical studies have used 20 milligrams taken twice daily.
Dried (root) : The British Herbal Compendium recommends 40 to 200 milligrams of dried root daily in divided doses, although traditional doses have been as high as 1 gram three times daily.
Tincture/Liquid : The British Herbal Compendium recommends 0.4 to 2 milliliters of a (1:10) 60% ethanol tincture daily.
BONESET - Eupatorium perfoliatum
Another herb from America. Calms the nerves.It can cause nausea in a small number of people.
Also know as Agueweed, Crosswort, Feverwort, Iindian sage, Teasel, and Thoroughwort, it is part of the Echinacea and daisy (Asteraceae) botanical family. It mainly grows in temperate regions of North America. The leaves and flowering tops of Boneset are the parts of the plant that are used medicinally. Boneset is used primarily as a homeopathic remedy, where it is recommended for fevers, flu, digestive problems, and liver disorders.
Many people believe that boneset is one of the best herbal remedies for relieving symptoms associated with influenza. It speedily relieves aches and pains as well as assisting the body's ability to cope with fever.
Dosage and Administration
Boneset has been traditionally taken as a tea or tincture.
To prepare the tea, add boiling water to 1/4-1/2 teaspoon (1-2 grams) of the herb. Allow it to steep covered for ten to fifteen minutes. Three cups (750 ml) a day may be taken (the tea is fairly bitter).
Tincture, 1/4-3/4 teaspoon (1-4 ml) three times daily, is also taken often.
Common Side Effects and Interactions
A small minority experience nausea and/or vomiting when using boneset. However, the fresh plant is more likely to cause these conditions than the dried herb.
CALIFORNIA POPPY - (Eschscholtzia californica) contains the compound protopine, which has been described as similar in effect to a lighter version of morphine. The Californiapoppy does not have any of the addictive properties of its relative.
The California poppy is most commonly known for its use as a sedative and for its antispasmodic properties. As a tea, the California poppy is used for headaches, anxiety, and sleeplessness.
Dosage and Administration
Although not usually prescribed by doctors, California poppy seed does appear to be a common component of many sedation preparations. Using 2 gm. of herb per 150ml. of water, a California poppy tea can be prepared and taken as a warm drink.
We don't know of any side effects following usage based on normal intake levels. California poppy should not be prepared with any substance that can compound the effects of sedatives. (i.e. sleeping pills, etc.) There have been very few clinical studies of the effects of the California poppy.
(Any assistance here would be welcome for the next edition (ED))
CHAMOMILE - (Matricaria camomilla)
A common flowering plant that is indigenous to various parts of central and southern Europe (Germany, Croatia, Italy, Hungary, and Slovakia), and northwestern Asia.
Chamomile is now widely cultivated in the United States, Australia, Argentina, Egypt, and northern Africa. The dried leaves and flowers are commonly packaged as a tea and can be purchased over the counter in both bagged and loose form.
Chamomile has been used throughout the ages as a very effective sleep aid. It has been administered in a variety of ways including being brewed as a tea and used in a sachet placed underneath a pillow.
Unlike some herbal sleep remedies, chamomile does not have to be used on a regular basis to be effective as a help treatment for insomnia. It can be used on the spot to provide quick relief for sleeplessness and anxiety.
Chamomile tea, which is made from the dried flowers and leaves of this common plant, is most effective when sipped a half an hour to forty-five minutes before going to bed.
Chamomile is also known to reduce the histamine-based swelling produced by allergic reactions, and is an excellent solution when congested sinuses or food allergies contribute to sleeplessness.
If you have a history of allergies, however, especially to plants such as ragweed, you shouldn't use chamomile.
CATNIP - Nepeta catariaYes, this is the herb cats love, the one that makes them go wild. For humans, catnip is relaxing and great for the digestion. The flowering tops are the part
utilized in medicine and are harvested when the plant is in full bloom in August. It's often used in insomnia formulas and as a sleep promoting tea. It can even be smoked to promote relaxation, but smoking it can cause severe headaches.
Catnip Tea is a valuable drink in case of fever, because of its action in inducing sleep and it is good in restlessness and nervousness.
The herb should always be infused, boiling will spoil it. Its qualities are volatile, hence when made it should be covered up. The tea may be drunk freely, but if taken in very large doses when warm, it frequently acts as an emetic!!
FLEECE FLOWER ROOT- Poly-gonum multiflorum - He Shou WuHe Shou Wu is the root tuber of Polygonum Multiforum Thunb., which is produced in all parts of China. Its root tuber is dug in autumn, washed clean, sliced and dried.
This is called unprepared fleece-flower root. The unprepared fleece-flower root, mixed with black soybean milk, is steamed and dried alternately and repeatedly until the root becomes black, and prepared fleece-flower root is obtained.
A treatment for sallow complexion, dizziness, vertigo, and insomnia. One presumes an acquired taste!
GOTU KOLA - Ephedra (Ephedra sinica) / Ma huangAn Asian herb, has a calming effect and also improves the circulation. It is now recognized as being good for the nervous system.
Controversy rages regarding dosing : There is disagreement regarding the optimal form and dose of Ephedra.
Traditionally, herbalists have recommended a wide range of doses, which are typically higher than U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommendations.
In the past, the FDA has recommended a maximum of 8mg up to every six hours (total daily dose of 24mg) for up to seven days. However, doses up to 25mg of total Ephedra alkaloids four times daily have been recommended by some experts, and doses in some studies have been as high as 50-100mg of ephedra three times daily.
Over-the-counter drugs containing ephedra generally contain warning labels advising adults to take 12.5-25mg every four to six hours, and not to exceed 150mg in 24 hours.
HOELEN Yet another herb from the Orient. Hoelen is used in many Chinese Herbal Remedies for different maladies. Included here as it is noted for it's calming, soothing effect.
Hoelen is a mushroom that grows underground on the roots of pines and other trees around the world. In many parts of the world, hoelen is used as a food rather than as a medicine. This was true in the nineteenth century, when hoelen was known as tuckahoe in the eastern and southern United States.
A single mushroom could grow to weigh between fifteen and twenty pounds (seven to nine kilograms). Since large mushrooms could be ground into bread flour, the herb became better known as Tuckahoe bread.
Dried or fresh Hoelen can be taken daily in food, or it can be brewed into tea.
HOPS - (Humulus lupulus) A member of the cannabis family native to Europe, Asia, and North America. Hops are widely grown in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, and all European countries. They are a main ingredient for the flavoring of beer.
Commonly paired with chamomile, lavender or valerian, it also holds its own as a relaxing natural sedative. The dried heads, from which the tea is made, are commonly available, as are tinctures, capsules, and tablets. A very effective herbal sachet can be made incorporating hops as an ingredient.
To make one, use the same steps as used to construct the Lavender sachet demonstrated earlier in this book, but use the following as stuffing instead:
1/4 cup hops
1/8 cup chamomile flowers
1/8 cup lavender flowers
Sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil into the mixture before sewing it up for a wonderful aromatic sleepy time sachet. Place the sachet under your pillow for a night of soothing aromas. Do not use if you are depressed, as it can be something of a depressant.
JASMINE - J. grandiflorumBest known as an aromatic oil. Put a few drops into the bath to help you relax. Used as a tea, it's a mild nerve sedative.
Its delicate, sweet odour is so peculiar that it is without comparison one of the most distinct of all natural odours.
Syrup of Jasmine is made by placing in a jar alternate layers of the flowers and sugar, covering the whole with wet doths and standing it in a cool place. The perfume is absorbed by the sugar, which is converted into a very palatable syrup.
JUJUBE - (DA T'SAO)- Zizyphus vulgaris The Chinese Jujube date. It relieves nervous tension and apprehension. Good for insomnia.
The seeds are sedative and are taken, sometimes withbuttermilk, to halt nausea, vomiting, and abdominalpains in pregnancy.
Strong doses of the bark or root may be toxic. An infusion of the flowers serves as an eye lotion.
KAVA KAVA - Piper methysticumI s the name given by Pacific islanders to both Piper methysticum, a shrub belonging to the pepper family Piperaceae, and also the beverage made from it.
Piper methysticum can be found growing in abundance primarily in western Polynesia, especially in Samoa and Tonga, and most of Melanesia, including Fiji. It can also be found in Pohnpei Island, in Micronesia.
Clinical studies have shown that kava has a sedating effect that may reduce anxiety in some people. Extracts of the root are sold as supplements in many health food stores.
The root of the kava plant may also be ground into a powder, mixed with water and consumed as a beverage.
Kava can be purchased at health food stores as a standardized extract and as a convenient method of anxiety relief as it is quick acting and extremely potent.
Some vendors have packaged high-powered Kava mixtures in convenient mini spray bottles. These are handy to keep in a knapsack or purse and are highly effective for providing a quick burst of relaxation. Just one or two quick sprays under the tongue can do wonders for tension and jitters. If you plan on purchasing raw root, it is a good idea to purchase whole, top grade lateral root.
LAVENDER - (L. angustifolia et al ) A shrubby flowering bush indigenous to the mountainous regions of the western Mediterranean and is considered have been first domesticated by the Arabians, then later spread across Europe by the Romans.
Lavender was brought to North America by the Pilgrims and was one of the first garden plants imported to Australia in the 19th century. It can be found in abundance in the wild in many parts of the world as well as being garden grown in a sunny, well-drained area, preferably in mildly alkaline soil. The smaller species will also grow quite easily in well-drained pots.
This popular flowering herb’s essential oil has been demonstrated to depress the central nervous system in a manner comparable to pharmaceutical tranquilizers. Lavender is very useful and effective as a sleep aid. In addition to the use of lavender flowers in a tea, it may also used in the form of an essential oil distilled from the leaves, flowers and stems.
Lavender oil can be applied topically to relax the muscles or its aroma can be inhaled for a calming effect. Rubbing lavender oil on the feet is a particularly effective method of application, as anything applied to the feet is absorbed quickly. It is widely used in aromatherapy and can be added to bathwater, dispersed in a vaporizer or simply dabbed on a tissue and breathed in. The leaves and flowers can be employed in a sachet qne placed underneath a pillow.
Note that not all varieties of lavender are tranquilizing — some, such as Spanish lavender, can have just the opposite effect.
OAT FIBER - You may be surprised to see this listed among herbal sleep remedies, but, surprisingly, it is said to help. Oat fiber is soothing to the digestion and to the nervous system. The easiest way to use it is to eat oatmeal every day. But begin with small helpings, as too much too fast can cause gas.
LEMON BALM - (Melissa officinalis) A perennial herb in the mint family. As far back as the ancient Greeks this plant was recognized for both its soothing smell and its medicinal properties.
Greek physician Dioscorides would apply Lemon Balm to scorpion or animal bites for its antibacterial properties, then give the patient wine infused with Lemon Balm to calm their nerves. This calming affect has often been noted throughout the years.
The British herbalist Culpeper had this to say in the mid-17th Century: "...[Lemon Balm] causeth the mind and heart to be Merry...and driveth away all troublesome cares." Little wonder it is still used today in aromatherapy to counter depression.
Lemon Balm Vinaigrette3 Tbls. lightly flavored olive oil 1 tsp. chiffonade of fresh lemon balm 1/8 tsp. salt 1/16 tsp. fresh ground black pepper 2 Tbls. rice wine vinegar
Combine all ingredients just before using, for the freshest taste and brightest color.
Use as a salad dressing with baby lettuces and touch of grated, cheese, or toss with fresh steamed vegitables (it's delicious with asparagus!).
University of Maryland Several studies have found that lemon balm combined with other calming herbs (such as valerian) helps reduce anxiety and promote sleep.
Few studies have investigated the safety and effectiveness of oral lemon balm alone, however.
In one recent study of people with minor sleep disorders, those who ingested a herbal combination of valerian and lemon balm reported sleeping much better than those who ingested placebo pills.
It is not clear from these studies, whether lemon balm itself (or the combined action of lemon balm and valerian) is responsible for these sleep-inducing effects. For difficulty sleeping, or to reduce stomach complaints, flatulence, or bloating, choose from the following: Tea: 1.5 to 4.5 grams of lemon balm herb, several times daily Tincture: 2 to 3 mL (40 to 90 drops), 3 times daily, or the equivalent in fluid extract or encapsulated form
MARSHMALLOW ROOT - Althaea officinalis This herb has nothing to do with the sugary blobs you roast over a campfire. It's a calming herb. Strong dosage might interfere with some of the drugs your doctor ordered from the pharmacy, so be sure you take them a few hours apart. The marshmallow plant can be found growing in damp, wet areas including meadows and marshes.
While native to regions of Europe, the marshmallow plant now grows in the United States as well. The root and leaves of the plant are used medicinally. For many years marshmallow plants have been used to relieve coughs and sore throats, as well as for chapped skin and minor wounds.
Both the root and the leaf of the marshmallow plant contain a substance known as mucilate, a mucusy substance that does not dissolve in water. It is this substance that causes marshmallow to swell up and become slippery when wet. This attribute of the marshmallow plant gives it the ability to soothe irritation of the mouth, throat and stomach, as well as to relieve coughing.
A recommended dose of marshmallow is 1 1/-4 teaspoons (6 grams) of the root per day. Marshmallow can be prepared as a tea to be taken 5 times a day. Herbal extracts in capsule and tablet form providing 5-6 grams of marshmallow per day can also be used, or it may be taken as a tincture-1-3 teaspoons (5-15 ml) three times daily.
PASSION FLOWER - (Passiflora incarnata)A flowering plant that is indigenous to an area from the southeast U.S. to Argentina and Brazil.
The name "passionflower" has nothing to do with the emotion of love, and the name was given by Spanish missionaries. The name refers to the Passion of Christ - where the flowers represent the following:
The three stigmas representing the nails, the five anthers the wounds on Christ's body, while the ten sepals represent the ten apostles - excluding Peter and Judas Iscariot.
Passion flower is sometimes referred to as Apricot Vine, Passion Vine, Granadilla, Maracoc and Maypops. It has been used as a tranquilizer and tobacco substitute (among other things). Having a profound effect on the central nervous system, passion flower also acts as an anti-spasmodic on the smooth muscles of the body, including the digestion system, which accounts for its ability to ease and promote digestion.
It is the herb of choice for treating intransigent insomnia. Passion flower does not have any side effects and when used for insomnia results in a restful, relaxing sleep with no grogginess the next morning. It is non-addictive and can be used in both children and the elderly without complication. When used for its medicinal purposes, the entire plant can be used. It is typically collected after some of the berries have matured, then dried whole.
To brew a tea: pour boiling water onto a teaspoonful of the dried herb infuse for l5 minutes. Drink a cup half an hour before going to bed.
Passionflower is used internally to treat nervous restlessness, sleep disorders, anxiety, neuralgia, irritability and overcoming the difficulty in falling asleep.
It is also reported to be useful in assisting with withdrawal from addictive drugs, including Benzodiazepines and Valium. The ripe passion fruits are eaten raw and can be made into jellies, jams, wines and fruit based drinks, while the flowers are made into syrup.
One warning: Since Passion flower can cause sleepiness, so it would be advisable to avoid driving for a few hours after use.
PEPPERMINT - Mentha nigricans Used as a tea, it eases digestion, relieves gas and helps with insomnia. Don't take peppermint if you are on iron supplements as it tends to interfere with the absorption of iron.
Peppermint is a decongestant, cooling, fragrant and bitter herb that is anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, digestive, antiseptic and slightly anaesthetic.It contains a high amount of essential oil, which containsmenthol, menthone, menthyl acetate and menthofuran.
RED CLOVER Take as a tea for inner cleansing. It has been used for years as a spring tonic. It's also very relaxing. It has been mentioned as a cure for cancer but talk to your doctor before using it for this purpose.
REISHI MUSHROOM - Ganoderma lucidum - Ling ZhiAnother surprising entry on a list of herbal remedies, but the Chinese have long known that his strange looking mushroom eases anxiety and calms the nervous system. A common ingredient in Chinese cookery, it is also a help for those with insomnia.
Reishi is particularly effective in stress control and can reduce emotional outbursts during long-term stress and tension.
SAGE Good old garden variety sage eases depression and is good for the nerves.
Scientists at the Universities of Newcastle and Northumbria found that those given the sage oil tablets performed much better in a "word recall test". They believe the active ingredient may boost levels of a chemical that helps transmit messages in the brain.
Use it when you cook the evening meal, or as a calming tea. The variety known as Clary works best. Alzheimer's is accompanied in many cases by a drop in the same brain chemical boosted by sage in experiments. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may also conceivably help - although this is still far from proven.
The centre has already embarked on a study to test the effect of the herb on Alzheimer's patients, and results from this are expected soon.
For a variety of conditions add 3 grams of sage leaf to 150 ml of boiling water, strain after 10 minutes and then let cool. The resulting tea can then be used as a mouthwash or gargle a few times a day. As an internal supplement 5 ml of fluid extract can be diluted in a glass of water and taken three times a day.
ST. JOHN'S WORTThis herb was named for St. John the Baptist who was beheaded. The red resin is said to resemble blood. St. John's wort is good for mild depression and anxiety, and it improves the quality of sleep. Although it has been shown to be poisonous to cattle, it is safe for human consumption if taken in the prescribed dosage.
Starting dose : 300 milligrams of St. John's wort, extract, taken by mouth
three times daily has been studied.
Maintenance dose :
300-600 milligrams daily may be sufficient for maintenance therapy, although this has not been well studied.
It can cause sensitivity to sunlight so avoid over -exposure. also, don't take St. John's wort if you are taking a medication that contains MAO inhibitors. This herb is being studied for possible use in HIV and AIDS treatment.
SIBERIAN GINSENG - Eleutherococcus Senticosus Ci Wu Jia Unlike most of the other herbs I have mentioned, Siberian Ginseng gives you a lift. It's good for the treatment of depression, lethargy and chronic fatigue syndrome. Tested by the Russians in several trials, this herb was soon hailed as an "adaptogenic" (stress-protective) marvel.
It helps to reduce stress, to improve the immune system, to fight cancer and aging, to reduce other effects of radiation, to improve adrenal function. Ridding of dampness, pain, weakness in lower limbs, insomnia, tiredness, and dizziness due to weakness and anxiety.
9~30 g for boiling with water and to be used as tea.
In tablets or capsules: each dosage equals about 3 gram of dry root.
Don't take this herb if you are already hyperactive or if you are suffering from nervous tension.. It should also be avoided by those suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure.)
SPEARMINT - Mentha viridisSpearmint is a great aid to digestion, and relieves gas. It has a calming effect on the entire body. A few drops on your pillow can be very soothing.
THYME Another common cooking herb, thyme is also excellent for treating nervous disorders and also respiratory problems. Try it as a tea or put a bit into your pillow.
VALERIAN This is probably the best known herbal remedy for sleeplessness. It eases both nervous tension and muscle tension. It's great for combating stress and relieving insomnia.
The principle components used for medicinal purposes are the leaves and rhizomes, which are typically harvested in September and then dried to produce the commonly available herbal product.
Valerian is also known by various folk names: All-Heal, Amantilla, Bloody Butcher, Capon's Trailer, Cat's Valerian, English Valerian, Fragrant Valerian, Garden Heliotrope, Phu, Red Valerian, St. George's Herb, Sets Wale, Set Well, and Vandal Root.
Unlike many other natural herbal sleep aids, to gain the benefits of the effects of valerian root it is necessary to use it on a regular basis, with the full effects coming to fruition slowly and steadily over time.
It should be used for about one month to produce results. Regular use of valerian root promotes deep relaxation and sleep. Studies suggest that valerian is by far the best natural solution for insomnia and general sleeplessness.
Research at Nestlé Research Laboratories in Switzerland, determined that a 450 mg dose of valerian in an aqueous extract is the optimum dose as an insomnia treatment; a higher dose typically results in grogginess without increasing effectiveness, therefore care should be taken when administering valerian.
The effects of valerian on the body are similar to that of benzodiazepine, an active ingredient in Valium™, but without dulling effects or next-day lethargy (it has been suggested that Valium’s name was inspired by valerian, although the two are completely different chemically and should not be confused as being the same or even related).
Valerian is commonly prescribed as a calming sleep aid and widely recommended for help treating anxiety-related sleep problems.
Unlike other commonly prescribed sleep medication, it is entirely nontoxic, does not impair the ability to drive or operate heavy machinery, nor does it exaggerate the effects of alcohol.
It has been documented that valerian can act as a delayed stimulant for some individuals depending on body chemistry.
In the case of certain metabolic conditions, the effect is one of initially calming them down only to cause a surge of energy several hours later – not an effect desired by those interested in using valerian as a nighttime sleeping remedy.
Some professional herbalists suggest taking fresh valerian root extract as opposed to extract from dried valerian, as it is less likely to cause such a reaction.
WOOD BETONYBecause of its calming effect on the nervoussystem, Wood Betony is good for anyone suffering from Parkinson's disease. It's also great for calming anyone's nerves and promoting sleep. Use it as a substitute for black tea. The taste is very similar, but it contains no caffeine.
The most important Anglo-Saxon herb, wood betony had no fewer than 29 uses in treating physical diseases and was also possibly the most popular amulet herb, used well into the Middle Ages to ward off evil or ill humors.
In 1597, Gerard gave a long list of applications, adding that it maketh a man to pisse well. Today, wood betony is neglected by many herbalists: it is, however, worth rediscovering.
A Russian study found a mixture of glycosides in wood betony, at least one of which was a flavonoid pigment. These glycosides were reported to have hypotensive (lower blood pressure) effects. Although the report requires verification, it might partially explain the supposed effectiveness of wood betony in treating mild anxiety states and headache.
No longer regarded as a panacea, wood betony nevertheless has real value as a remedy for headaches and facial pain. Wood betony is also mildly sedative, relieving nervous stress and tension.
Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 - 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10 -15 minutes.
This should be drunk three times a day. Tincture: take 2 - 6 ml of the tincture three times a day.
HONEYSaid to have sleep inducing properties.
Dark honey contains more antioxidants than the light-colored variety.
It can be used in herbal teas or mixed into warm milk.
Milk and Honey Sleep Remedy
· 1 glass warm milk
· 1 drop vanilla extract
· 1 teaspoon honey
Use this just before going to bed. Mix, then drink while it is still warm.
Many of these herbs are used in combination as sleep aids. Most contain, among other things, passion flower, melatonin and valerian. Most herbal stores have numerous sleep remedies that, as I mentioned earlier, treat combined systems such as digestion and nervous systems, to help promote restful sleep. In Chinese herbalism, combinations of plants are used to treat various ailments.
WARNINGIf you're pregnant, nursing, or if you suffer from any chronic disease, don't take any of these remedies without first consulting your doctor.
Chamomile Tea Recipe (One serving)
· 1 cup water
· 1 tsp. dried chamomile flowers
· lemon juice
· honey
First, bring the water to the boil in a saucepan. Add the dried chamomile flowers to the water (either directly or using a tea infuser) and boil for thirty to forty-five seconds with the lid on. Remove tea from the heat and let the flowers steep for another minute. The loose flowers can then be removed from the tea using a strainer. Served with honey and a little lemon juice, this tea is a tasty way to unwind after a busy day and its calming properties usually begin to take effect within a half hour of drinking a cup. For added sedative effect, substitute a few leaves of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) for the lemon juice.
Vitamin supplements May be used to provide you some relief from insomnia. This is particularly true if you are suffering from a shortage of certain vitamins, amino acids, minerals, or enzymes.
Try adding one of the following nutritional supplements to your daily well-balanced diet: ·
CalciumWhen combined with food, calcium can have a sedative effect on your body.
Calcium deficiencies can cause wakefulness and restlessness.
The recommended daily supplement is often given as 600mg per day. It should be taken along with food and may be combined with a magnesium supplement.
MagnesiumTake a magnesium supplement of 250g each day. This can help induce sleep since a low level of magnesium may cause nervousness again preventing you from sleeping.
Studies show that low levels of magnesium can lead to shallower sleep and cause you to wake more during the night.
Try to add magnesium-rich foods to your diet. These include wheat bran, almonds, cashews, blackstrap molasses, and kelp.(What blackstrap ?(ED))
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)50 to 100mg of Vitamin B6 per day can help prevent insomnia.
Your body needs adequate B6 in order to produce serotonin which is required for the sleep-triggering hormone melatonin.
An excellent source of vitamin B6 is yeast, a tablespoon or two may be stirred into a glass of fruit juice.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin):This is another important supplement in the cure for insomnia.If you are low in this vitamin you may experience confusion, loss of memory, and a general feeling of tiredness.The recommended daily dose is 25mg and can be combined with Vitamin B5. Amounts of Vitamin B12 and B5 can be found in walnuts, sunflower seeds, bananas, tuna, wheat germ, peanuts, and whole grains.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid):B5 is good for relieving stress and anxiety.Low levels of B5 can cause sleep disturbances and fatigue.The daily recommended dose is 100 mg.
Folic Acid:Low levels of folic acid may be a contributing factor to insomnia.The recommended daily dose is 400 micrograms.Folic acid can be found naturally in orange juice, leafy green vegetables, fortified breakfast cereals, and beans.
It should be noted that the synthetic form of folic acid found in over-the-counter vitamins is more easily used by your body than the natural product.
Copper:Studies show that a low intake of copper in pre-menopausal women may inhibit them from falling asleep quickly.
The study showed that those women who received a 2mg copper supplement each day fell asleep faster and felt more rested in the morning.
Some of the best sources are cooked oysters and lobster. Eat a well-balanced diet and you should find that you have no problems with vitamin deficiencies. You may want to add one or two of the above supplements to your diet for a short period of time to see if you notice a significant difference.
SummaryThe methods outlined in this book can help you achieve sleep filled, restful nights without resorting to dangerous narcotics and other drugs. It’s a good idea to try one or two of the methods at first, then add others as necessary to find a strategy that works for you.Choose a technique that appeals to you that you can begin immediately and stick with it. In some cases you may need to be disciplined and determined if your goal is to avoid the use of prescription medication. When you first start applying some of the techniques described here, stick to the same bedtime schedule for a week or two. Keep track of your sleeping habits using your sleep log to record bedtime, wake time, and any details regarding your sleeping patterns. Record the techniques you have used to aid in your sleeping on any one night.See how your body and your metabolism adjusts to your new schemes. You can modify your routine to incorporate more or less any of the methods described in this book as needed.Remember, never hesitate to consult your doctor if you have any concerns.Your doctor can work with you to determine the best help for your case, including the natural remedies outlined in this book.The most important thing is your health.
Sleep Well