How to Spot A Fake Diamond
In this world of advanced technology it is
almost impossible to simply look at a
diamond and determine whether it is real or
not – especially if you don’t know much
about diamonds. There are some steps that
you can take to avoid buying a fake diamond,
First, only deal with reputable jewelers, and
when you find a reputable jeweler, stick with
them. Avoid buying diamonds or other
jewelry from jewelers that you have never
dealt with before in the past. Ask to see the
certificate for the stone. If no certificate exists,
walk away.
Look at the setting that the stone is in. Fake
diamonds, such as zirconias, are usually set
in low quality metals. Take a close look at the
stone. Fake diamonds are not durable –
natural diamonds, on the other hand, are the
most durable stone on the planet. Look for
scratches or nicks.
After purchasing a diamond, take it to
another jeweler for appraisal. In fact, take it
to two or three other jewelers for an appraisal
to make sure that the appraisals are all fairly
close. If you find that you have purchased a
fake diamond, you may be accused of
making a switch when you return to the store
of your purchase; therefore, it is important to
have a certificate for the diamond. No two
stones are alike.
Philip Jubb
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
How to Spot A Fake Diamond
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine
by: C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot
Herbal Medicine, also referred to as Herbalism or Botanical Medicine, is the oldest healthcare known to mankind. Herbal medicine is the utilization of herbs for therapy or medicinal purposes. Derived from plants, herbs are used for their medicine, aroma and spice. Herb plants produce and comprise a mariyad of chemical substances that interact with our bodies. From food, to clothing, to medicine and even shelter; plants have proven invaluable throughout the history of mankind. Through trial and error and based on observations of wildlife, plants have been developed for medicinal use. Over the centuries, mankind has documented the medicinal value of herbs.
Most of our medicines used today are derived from native cultures. Approximately 25% of prescription drugs in the US contain at least one active plant material ingredient. Currently, over 4 billion people or 80% of the world population use herbal medicine for some forms of healthcare. Ayurvedic practitioners, homeopathic practitioners, naturopathic practitioners, traditional Oriental practitioners and Native American Indians commonly utilize herbal medicine. Today, pharmaceutical companies are extensively researching rain forest plant materials for their medicinal potential.
Herbs remain the foundation for a large amount of commercial medications used today for treatment of heart disease, blood pressure regulation, pain remedies, asthma and other health problems. A prime example of herbal medicine is the foxglove plant. Used since 1775, this powdered leaf is known as the cardiac stimulant digitalis which preserves life in millions of heart patients in modern society. From Aloe to St. John's Wort, herbal medicines are mainstream in modern civilization. To learn more about the benefits of herbal medicine, peruse our site for the latest holistic health remedies today.
Herbal Medicine
© All Rights Reserved
by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot in conjunction with Holistic Junction
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Organics and the Senior Citizen
Organics and the Senior Citizen
Returning to the subject of Organics here is an intro
article I found that may end up in the new Senior Citizens
If you find any on your travels feel free to submit them.
In the past decade and a half, organic products have
achieved almost mainstream status. Senior Citizens will
remember when organic produce was a specialty item in a
few upmarket grocery shops in the early 1990s.
Many of today's supermarkets commonly offer organically
produced items.
Organics have become more available and more
affordable. The result is that a larger proportion of the
Senior Citizens population buys organics. This leads to
an increased general awareness of the benefits for
people and the environment of organic production.
Greater awareness of the benefits contributes to a
greater demand. Greater demand encourages growers to
produce more. Greater production results in organics
being increasingly available at a lower cost, and the
upward the trend seems unstoppable.
During the 1990s, organic product sales dramatically
increased at the rate of more than 25 percent every year.
By the beginning of the 21st century, sales of organic
products passed the £4 billion mark. Today in 2005, the
majority of US Senior Citizens (72%) buy organic food at
least some of the time.
These statistics show that organic production is here to
stay. This is good news for the health of Senior Citizens
and the environment.
What Organic means to the Senior Citizen
Fifteen years ago, organic growers might have had to
explain to Senior Citizens at a market what the label
"organic" means. Today, most people understand that for
a product to be labeled organic, it had to be grown
without using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or hormone
But organic growing is a system, and is not just a matter
of substituting natural materials for synthetics. Whether
on the large scale of the farmer or the small scale of the
backyard Senior Citizen gardener, the underlying
principles of an organic system are to work within the
boundaries of nature to grow food.
The system starts with a focus on healthy soil, which
supports healthy plants. When plants are strong, they
are naturally disease and pest resistant.
Is Organic better for the Senior Citizen
Rather than apply chemicals to cure disease and control
pests as conventional growers must do, organic growers
work toward prevention through continuous soil
improvements. It's a big difference in attitude: the
chemical quick-fix vs. long-term soil building. Of course
its something for the Senior Citizen to leave to his
Also, there is the difference in the effect on local water
sources. Organic gardeners don't contaminate ponds and
groundwater with synthetics.
In short, Senior Citizens who live where they grow food
have a particular motivation and advantage in using an
organic system: personal health and safety. But every
Senior Citizen benefits when organic methods are used
because they are sustainable: good food is produced in a
system that respects the natural environment.
Philip Jubb
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Acne Control The Natural Way!
Acne Control The Natural Way!
Want to get rid of those spots on your face?
How about looking for acne control to avoid the sudden
appearance of acne in your skin?
What is acne?
Acne is a skin disorder caused by the hormonal action on the
oil glands of the skin or the sebaceous glands. The excretion of oils from
these glands can lead to congested skin pores. The face, neck,
chest, back and shoulders are where the glands are mainly found, hence acne
usually presents at these locations.
There are many factors that can generate acne.
Genes. Genetics can't be changed but other factors like our daily routine
and the way we take care of our skin can be improved. This acne
control tips may help you control the spots.
1. Include Fruits and Vegetables in your daily Diet. A healthy diet consists of
at least four to five servings of fruits and vegetables.
Acne control will be a lot easier if you start including this in your daily diet.
2. Rose water can be used as a facial cleanser. Dipped in a cotton, clean your
face using this everyday for at least two to three times each day.
3. Don't wait for your pimples to form. If you see one on your face, treat it.
Acne control is best done early. Pat some ice on the affected area if it is swollen.
4. Acne control is easier when accompanied with multivitamins. Start taking
vitamins that contains zinc supplement. Zinc helps in making your skin stronger and acne resistant. Consult your Doctor first.
5. Cucumber can help in acne control. Blend it with some water to form a mask.
Put it on the affected area and leave it for about half an hour before rinsing it off. This is a
good and affordable acne control remedy that can also refresh your skin.
6. Use only mild soaps and avoid soaps that contains petroleum based
products and animal based ingredients. These may cause your skin to
get dry and irritated.
7. Using alcohol free facial cleansers. Alcohol tends to dry your skin more.
8. Makeup also prompt the occurrence of acne. Choose your makeup
wisely. Most of the makeup available contains petroleum based. An all
natural makeup helps acne control.
9. My Doctor tells me to drink lots of water. It flushes out the body.
Philip Jubb
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Common Cold
The Common Cold
More from the "Green Team" for Senior Citizens. As always let me know what you think.
Colds appear superficially similar to the 'flu, but are generally less severe.
Common in Winter, respiratory passage inflammation, irritation of the nose and throat, runny eyes, and of course fevers, chills and muscle aches are typical symptoms of the common cold.
In extreme cases, a bad cold may even cause sinusitis orcongestion of the chest, which can be particularlydistressing for the very young and us Senior Citizens.
The differences between a cold and flu are fairly easy to spot- flu usually causes a headache, fever, heavy fatigue and general aches - these are rare in colds.
A cold involves a runny nose and a sorethroat - both rare in flu. The symptoms will last between 7 and 14 days (including an incubationperiod of between 1 and 3 days).
A cold is caused by a fast mutating virus, which tends to strike when one's immune system is depressed.
Extreme coldness, tiredness, stress brought on by overwork, or over indulgence - all of these can 'bring on' a cold.
The symptoms of the common cold are actually your bodys attempt at killing the virus and re-establishing normal conditions - a raised body temperature kills the virus eventually. Unfortunately, the fast mutation characteristics of the common cold make it impossible to produce a vaccine, leaving only natural remedies in the arsenal of anti-cold techniques.
At the first signs of a cold (sore throat, runny nose) go to bed - don't wait for the virus to get started. Remember that the first line of attack against the cold virus will be plenty of fluids,and especially vitamin C drinks, such as hot lemon. Vitamin C is available in several forms - tablets, drinks etc. Garlic may also help - both of these are said to be good germ fighters. Other vitamins that may help include A, B6, E, and F. It is also reported that a little extra zinc may help shorten the duration of colds.
Whilst the cold is in full swing, try drinking potato peeling broth. The peelings should be half an inch thick, boiled for about half an hour then strained and cooled, taken twice a day. On the other hand you may preffer to suffer..
When the fever has gone, a low calorie raw fruit and vegetable diet can be tried, although you may not feel much like eating even now. Raw juices and herb teas may also help. The best herb teas for fighting the common cold are said to be
:-Rose hips
There are many products that help with runny noses and congestions - most are based on ucalyptus oil. Try putting a few drops in a cup of boiling water, inhaling the vapors with a towel over your head. For a sore throat- gargling with crushed aspirin in warm water may help, although be careful you don't swallow it, and don't do it.
The most popular watertreatments include hot mustard foot baths (to reduce sinus congestion) This may also work for warts and ingrowing toenails :(:( (ed)
Epsom salt baths while drinking sweating teas, hot ginger chest compresses and saltwater nasal douches to open the sinuses.
Some people try steam inhalation, eucalyptus, pineneedle, clove, or thyme.
Philip Jubb
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Natural Ways To Treat Diabetes in Senior Citizens
Natural Ways To Treat Diabetes in Senior Citizens
Recently I was given a large number of "Natural" remedy articles. I hope to put these together a an ebook in the near future.
In the mean time I would caution all Senior Citizens to view all none doctor reccomended medications with caution.
Diabetes is a disease caused when the body does not properly produce insulin.
There are two types of the disease. Type one diabetes is where the body does not produce insulin and type two is where the body resists insulin. The majority of people diagnosed with this disease have type two. Symptoms of diabetes include extreme thirst, hazy vision, excessive hunger, weight fluctuation, fatigue and frequent urination. Senior Citizens often control it with insulin and prescription drugs, but diet and exercise play a large part in the ability to control the disease. It is said that herbs can help reduce the effects of diabetes.
Senior Citizens should always ensure a healthy diet by concentrating on foods such as vegetables, grains, fiber and legumes. These foods will help regulate sugar in the blood stream. Avoid junk food and foods that contain sugar such as cakes, cookies and other sweets. Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine should also be avoided as with almost anything else dear to the Senior Citizens heart.
Exercise helps promote good health and combats against the negative effects of diabetes. It is always a good idea to exercise regularly and keep an appropriate weight. Senior Citizens who are inactive or overweight have a higher risk factor for diabetes and are prone to suffer from more side effects caused by the disease.
There are many herbal remedies recognized for their possible therapeutic properties. Some are found in pharmacies and grocery stores and may be a great natural remedy.
Prickly pear cactus has shown positive results in the treatment of this disease and was recently recognized by the International Diabetes Center as a viable natural remedy.
Bitter Melon has been used for years in Asia, Africa and South America for treatment. Garlic will reduce sugar levels and is a healthy way to add flavor to food while benefiting from its curative traits. Other common herbs are ginseng, psyllium, fenugreek, bilberry, dandelion and burdock.
Vitamin supplements are frequently used to help treat diabetes with the most commonly recommended ones being vitamins B6, C and E. Also, zinc, selenium, alpha lipoic acid, chromium and vanadium are commonly used. Rather than take individual supplements, some patients opt for a multivitamin to add to their diet.
Diabetes is a disease that affects a large portion of the population. The risks associated with it are serious but can be controlled with lifestyle change. Ensuring a well balanced diet and good exercise routine will help in preventing side effects. Also, proper use of herbs, vitamins and natural remedies will help prevent the necessity for more traditional means of medication.
Senior Citizens should be aware that anything that is going to help with diabetes is going to be poisonous if taken in the wrong doseage. Ask your doctor first.
Philip Jubb
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Back Pain & Muscle Pain
Back Pain & Muscle Pain - Effective & Natural Pain Treatment Alternatives
Danna Schneider
Pain and Stress. They seem almost to go hand in hand - not only in their negative connotation, but also in their biological causes and triggers. Back pain and muscle pain is typically caused by inflammation in the proximity where the pain originated, which in turn creates internal pressure, activating pain receptors in the nerve endings and sending the signal (registered as varying levels of discomfort) to the brain.
Some people are born with a naturally higher tolerance to pain - what's been dubbed the "pain threshold". Then there are the rest of us, who have normal or low pain thresholds and if chronic back pain, muscle pain, or nerve related pain or illness were to be introduced into our lives, we would be forced to be a prisoner to "the bottle". The "bottle" being one of the many prescription painkillers or narcotics prescribed to so many suffering daily, chronic muscle pain and nerve related pain.
So there must be a better way to control the pain, and manage it successfully without constant reliance on and possible addiction to prescription pain medication? And there is. Along with an excellent new naturopathic, herbal pain remedy recently introduced to consumers, there are several things you can do to manage pain effectively, and in turn even reduce stress and improve your overall mental and physical health - all of which are key factors in successful pain management.
On of the best ways to manage stress and in turn reduce pain, is to employ some sort of low impact, muscle soothing exercise, like basic yoga, tai chi, or water aerobics. These types of exercises not only stretch the muscles and keep them limber and lithe, but they effectively "massage" and calm muscles, have very little impact on joints, strength the supportive muscles of the back, and can even help reduce inflammation in the body. The mind-body connection is very strong, there is no doubt - just start an exercise routine like this and I guarantee your mood, pain and anxiety virtually melt away.
Exercise also releases and creates endorphins, which are a natural "antidote" to pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression. The release of endorphins can actually reverse the negative effects these afflictions can have on your body. If you're a habitual exerciser, think of how you lethargic you feel after a few days of inactivity, and you'll understand this concept! Inactivity is one of the biggest underlying causes and perpetuators of worsening pain, lethargy, depression and anxiety.
Meditation is also a great method to reduce pain, anxiety and the host of other undesirable problems so prevalent in America today. Like yoga, and other relaxation techniques, meditation allows you to focus only on you, your breathing, and your body. This faciliatates the "harmonizing" of the body and the mind, the ultimate feeling of well-being, vitality, and tranquility, all of which will help you manage pain and stress. This will keep your mind sharp, focused, and better able to deal with the daily stress life can sometimes bring.
Combine these few simple lifestyle habits with the use of an herbal pain remedy where needed, or even just employ these habits alone, and I guarantee, pain will not only be easier to cope with when it rears it's ugly head, but also will be reduced greatly in it's severity and frequency. It quite simply is a necessity to living pain free.
About the Author: Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of, a nutraceutical product site focusing mostly on natural cosmetic enhancement and well being products. Information on the new herbal pain remedy mentioned in the article can be found at
Hope you enjoyed this
Philip Jubb
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Senior Citizens - and Google
Senior Citizens - and Google
This article is a blatent attempt to get Google to take
more notice of the Senior Citizens amongst its
O.K. It's ran by genius, but, is it as Senior Citizen friendly
as it may be.
Among its many successes Google’s Google News
stands head and sholders above the others.
With so many services available on the World Wide Web it
is often a difficult task to pick out the top dogs. Google,
does it well.
Breaking news on Google is easy to access. Google news
is completely automated and made its debut in 2002.
Finally, on January 23, 2006, the beta trial ended and
now the breaking news on Google service is available in
over one wonders how many languages.
An aspects of Google News is the attempted elimination
of journalistic bias: the service is said to be completely
automated so that no human judgment works its way into
the equation. this may or may not ultimately be an
advantage. We will have to sit and wait.
Senior Citizens need no warning about the dangers of
spin. We get it getting out of bed every day. Seriously it is
refreshing to have an outlet that just reports news
For the Senior Citizen breaking news on Google is a
valuable resource for what is happening in the world.
Senior Citizens can get Google News in HTML, text and by
RSS/Atom feed. The stories can be organized and sifted
through to give a chronological perspective on the news.
In terms of the media it is always interesting to see how
a story progresses, how it changes over time and as new
information becomes available.
The success of Google has amazed everyone. Google
news will take over the planet as an example to us all.
OK Google there is your plug. Now how about a good deal
more for the Senior Citizen.
Any more tips for the Senior Citizens? Drop us a line or
add a comment here
Philip Jubb